

How It Works

podcaster using PodBlend to combine podcast RSS feeds

Create a new PodBlend account

We have three plans based on how many blended feeds you need and how many podcasts you plan to add to each of those blended feeds. You can change your plan at any time. If you need a larger plan, please contact us.

Blend your first RSS feed

Customize your new blended RSS feed with a title, description, artwork, podcast categories and more! Then, add the RSS feeds of the podcasts (podcast URLs) you want included in your new PodBlend feed. You can edit this information anytime, as well as add or remove podcasts included in the feed.

PodBlend - blend multiple podcast RSS feeds
podcaster using PodBlend to blend multiple podcast RSS feeds

Submit your PodBlend feed to podcast distribution sites

Post your new PodBlend feed to distribution sites such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Your blended feed will automatically update when new content is published to the podcasts you have included in your new PodBlend feed. Any new downloads generated from your new feed will be reflected in the stats for the individual podcasts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Discoverability is very important in podcasting. We believe your podcast should be in as many places as possible so more people can find you. With PodBlend, your podcast can easily be grouped together with other shows and distributed to the sites where people are accessing podcasts. We give podcasts more opportunities to be discovered.

You can blend any podcast feeds that come from podcast host providers, such as Megaphone, Buzzsprout, Anchor (Spotify), Libsyn, Acast and others. You can also use RSS feeds you create as long as they have all the proper feed tags for podcasts. We recommend only adding podcasts that you own or have permission to distribute.

Of course! When new content is published to the individual podcast RSS feeds, it will automatically add that content to your newly blended RSS feed through PodBlend. The new content will then be distributed to all the places where your PodBlend feed is published.

Creating the new feed with PodBlend takes five minutes or less, depending on how fast you type. If you choose to submit your newly blended feed to distribution sites such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, the processing times will vary. These feeds are usually approved and available online within a few business days.

When you’re adding podcast URLs to be blended together, PodBlend will  import 30 of the most recent episodes included in that podcast URL. You can have more items in that feed, but we’ll only import a maximum of 30.

Yes you can! You’ll need to name your new feed, create a description, add new podcast artwork, choose podcast categories and more. PodBlend offers all the tags needed for your newly blended RSS feed to be accepted by all the podcast distribution sites including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Yes, 100%. You can adjust any information in your feed and easily add or remove podcasts. Your edits are immediately saved, but it make take 24 hours or longer for podcast distribution sites to refresh your feed so you can see the changes on their platform.

No. Podcast host providers are where you upload your podcast content. They provide your podcast with an individual RSS feed. PodBlend allows you to blend individual podcast feeds together and create a new RSS feed with all of the content to easily distribute online.

No. We provide you with the blended feed that you can use to distribute podcasts so they can be discovered by more people. Any additional downloads or impressions generated through the new feed will be reflected in the stats available through each podcast’s host provider. 

No. Regular RSS mixers do not have the proper tags to be accepted by podcast distribution sites, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts, so your feed will be rejected. For example, regular RSS mixers do not allow you to include artwork for your new feed, which is required for podcasts.

Yep! This PodBlend feed combines five podcasts together in the pregnancy and parenting genre. We called the new feed “Pregnancy & Parenting” to use specific keywords that listeners may be searching for to find this type of content. Here’s what the blended feed looks like on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts


Level Price  
Basic Plan

Up to 3 Blended Feeds

(Updated Every Two Hours)

Up to 10 Podcast URLs

(Per Blended Feed)

$15.00 per Month.
Pro Plan

Up to 7 Blended Feeds

(Updated Hourly)

Up to 25 Podcast URLs

(Per Blended Feed)

$45.00 per Month.
Expert Plan

Up to 15 Blended Feeds

(Updated Hourly)

Up to 50 Podcast URLs

(Per Blended Feed)

$75.00 per Month.

Blended Feeds are the new RSS feeds we create for you. They are a blend of multiple podcast RSS feeds.

Podcast URLs are the number of individual podcast RSS feeds you can add to a blended feed. We import the most recent 30 episodes in each podcast RSS feed.


Glenn Hebert from Horse Radio Network

One of the Best!

We started an “all episodes” feed of our podcast network more than 8 years ago. It was one of the best things we ever did for cross-promotion. Super fans find that feed and will be early adopters to new shows and try shows they would never try without this inclusive feed. We now get 100K + downloads on that feed every month in a small niche.

Glenn Hebert

Horse Radio Network
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