

RSS Feeds

How to Create a Master Podcast RSS Feed for Your Podcast Network

Are you a podcast creator with multiple shows under your belt? Or perhaps you’re part of a network of like-minded individuals who share a passion for creating quality audio content? If so, you may have encountered the problem of managing multiple RSS feeds for each of your podcasts. This can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not tech-savvy. Fortunately, there’s a solution: creating a master RSS feed for your podcast network.

Step #1: Determine the Scope of Your Podcast Network

To create a master RSS feed for your podcast network, it’s important to first determine the scope of your network. Are your podcasts focused on a specific topic or theme, or do they cover a broad range of topics? These factors impact the structure of your master RSS feed.

If your network focuses on a specific topic, consider creating separate master RSS feeds for different subcategories. For example, a true crime network could create separate feeds for serial killers, unsolved mysteries, and cold cases. This helps listeners find the content they’re interested in more easily.

For networks covering a broad range of topics, a single master RSS feed including all your podcasts may be the best option. This can make it easier for listeners to discover new shows and keep up with your latest episodes.

Step #2: Choose a Platform for Hosting Your Podcasts

Choosing a platform to host your podcasts is an important step in creating a master RSS feed for your podcast network. You want to find a reliable, user-friendly platform that offers the features you need to manage your podcasts. Some important features to consider include:

  • Storage: You’ll want a platform that offers ample storage space for your podcasts, especially if you plan to upload many episodes or have multiple podcasts in your network.
  • Analytics: Look for a platform that offers detailed analytics on your podcast’s performance, including the number of downloads and plays, where your audience is located, and which episodes are most popular.
  • Customization: Consider a platform that allows you to customize your podcast’s website and player to reflect your brand.
  • Distribution: Make sure the platform you choose makes it easy to distribute your podcast to popular directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
  • Support: Look for a platform that offers reliable customer support, in case you run into any issues with your podcast.

Step #3: Create Individual RSS Feeds for Each Podcast

After choosing a hosting platform, it’s time to create individual RSS feeds for each podcast in your network. An RSS feed allows users to access your podcast episodes, so it’s crucial for building an engaged audience.

To create an RSS feed, upload your podcast to the hosting platform of your choice. The platform will generate a unique RSS feed for each podcast. Optimize each feed with relevant keywords and a clear description of the podcast to help listeners find and subscribe.

Remember, each podcast should have its own individual RSS feed. This allows listeners to subscribe to specific podcasts and receive updates when new episodes are released.

In the next step, we’ll explore how to combine these individual feeds into a master RSS feed for your podcast network.

Step #4: Combine the Individual RSS Feeds into a Master RSS Feed

To create a master RSS feed for your podcast network, you’ll need to aggregate the individual RSS feeds of each podcast into a single feed. First, you need to determine which service or method you’ll use to create your master feed. Then, follow the service’s instructions to input the URLs of each individual feed you want to include in your master feed.

Once you set up your master feed, you can customize the feed’s title, description, and artwork to create a cohesive brand identity for your network. You can also include additional information about your network, such as a website or social media links, to help promote your podcast network.

Finally, submit your master feed to popular podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts to make it easy for listeners to find and subscribe to your entire podcast network.

Step #5: Validate the Master RSS Feed

Validating your master RSS feed is crucial to ensure that it meets the technical requirements of podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. To validate your feed, you can use a feed validator tool like W3C Feed Validation Service or Cast Feed Validator. These tools scan your feed and identify any errors or warnings that need repair.

After identifying any issues, you can fix them by adjusting your feed’s format, updating artwork or descriptions, or correcting errors. Once you make the necessary changes, you should validate your feed again to ensure that all issues have been resolved.

Step #6: Submit the Master RSS Feed to Podcast Directories

Most directories, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, offer a straightforward submission process. It only requires some basic information about your podcast, such as its title, description, category, artwork, and the URL for your master RSS feed.

Once you submit your feed, it may take a few days for review. Once the review is complete, it will be listed in the directory. Once your podcast feed is listed, it becomes available to millions of potential listeners worldwide.

By making your podcast available on multiple platforms, you can increase your visibility and attract new listeners who might not have discovered your podcast otherwise. So, be sure to submit your master RSS feed to as many podcast directories as possible to maximize your exposure and reach a broader audience.


Creating a master RSS feed for your podcast network is a critical step toward expanding your audience and building a strong following. By implementing the six steps we’ve discussed, you can seamlessly distribute your podcasts to a wide range of directories and platforms. This can help your network attract more listeners and expand your reach.

While the process may seem daunting at first, it’s essential to remember that creating a successful podcast network takes time, effort, and patience. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep producing high-quality content, promote your podcast network on social media, and engage with your listeners to build a loyal following.

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